Growth partner for category leading companies

Partnering with GPI Capital

GPI's partners have backed category leading companies and deployed over $5 billion of capital operating together for over 15 years. As an investment firm specializing in non-control growth and structured equity investments, GPI seeks businesses across technology, consumer and industrial markets primarily in North America.

GPI's “all-weather” strategy enables the firm to provide customized capital solutions to its partner companies while delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns across the market cycle.

Our focus and impact

We identify unique businesses with exceptional management teams to invest in, scale and achieve their potential across private and public stages of their lifecycle.

As a non-control partner to founders and executives we have demonstrated capabilities, data-driven insights, domain expertise across business models and strategies leveraging our network of advisors, operators and companies to positively impact businesses at scale.

Businesses are complex, face unique challenges and those that win, do so with perseverance, agility and vision. We recognize the value of being a partner who is responsive, experienced, patient with a long-term perspective and willing to commit significant capital, time and focus to be a part of your journey.


We seek to lead and be a value add capital partner supporting corporate strategy, people and expansion efforts with our commercial and operational resources to deliver performance throughout the business cycle.

Flexible Capital Solutions

We provide customized capital solutions to help finance the specific needs of our investee companies, making investments across their capital structure. Our investments typically include common and preferred stock, convertible and other equity-like investment structures.

Our approach

Funding uses

GPI Capital provides capital to its partner companies for a wide array of uses.

Transformational capital

Organic initiatives

Funding corporate projects, geographic or product/service expansion, penetrating new or existing markets, platform extensions and growing teams

Mergers & acquisitions

Funding acquisitions, bolt-on new capabilities or verticalize technology stacks and supply chains

Liquidity solutions

Funding governance changes, ownership transitions and recapitalizations

Investment criteria

We invest in growth-oriented companies operating at scale, based primarily in North America and across consumer, technology and industrial sectors.

Industry focus


  • Internet
  • Social/marketplaces
  • E-communications
  • Software and services


  • Retail/e-commerce
  • Consumer finance
  • Travel/leisure
  • Services


  • Multi-industry/services
  • Equipment/machinery
  • Transport/logistics

Value creation approach

We work closely in partnership with our portfolio companies’ stakeholders and management to drive significant financial and operational improvements. We have a wealth of knowledge, best practices and a large supportive network to share with our portfolio companies. Each engagement is highly customized to the respective needs of the companies.



Go-to market strategies, commercial partnerships and market assessment to drive rapid topline growth

Corporate development

M&A, capital allocation and liquidity analyses



Best practices and infrastructure


Organization, people and vendor search

Cost savings

Best practices to maximize profitable growth

Business & market

Industry landscape

Competitive analysis and industry insights and product disruption risks

Corporate partnerships

Leverage extensive and deep network to drive incremental growth and operational efficiencies

Long term, sustainable growth - ESG

GPI Capital integrates Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into its diligence and analysis. We believe that an ESG analysis is key in the exercise of our fiduciary duty to protect our investors’ long-term interest by providing additional tools and lenses through which we can identify risks and opportunities of our investments.

Our team

GPI Capital’s senior partners have been investing together across the same strategy for over 15+ years. GPI Capital established a core set of operating principles and values, “OLIFE,” that promotes a team-oriented culture of respect and trust bolstered by intellectual honesty, independent thinking, intense focus and an ownership mindset.

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